
Showing posts from January, 2017

[Short Story] मृत्यापेक्षा जलद.

When Netherlands Marathi Mandal said they were keen to publish a Marathi Story in their 2016 Diwali Special, it was an honor. Having never written a Marathi story before, it did pose a challenge to reinvent me. Marathi was one of the first languages I read into, it is the language that I think in.Writing in a Diwali special is a big honor itself, as Diwali Special or Diwali Ank as we call them are an integral part of Marathi culture. This is a surrealistic experience of our favotire Runner who as always is keen to run.  Presenting before you, my first story in Marathi- मृत्यापेक्षा जलद .     एक गंमत अशी आहे कि , आयुष्य किती मूल्यवान आहे ह्याचा प्रत्यय सर्वांना ते संपायच्या काही क्षणा आधीच येतो . पण आपण किती संकटात आहे ह्याचा प्रत्यय आला कि आता किती आयुष्य राहिले ह्याचा आभास होतो - असे फालतू विचार नेमेके धावतानाच का येतात , हा प्रश्न त्याला पडला . मुळात एका डोंगराच्या उतारावरून स्वतःचा जीव वाचवत , भयंकर आणि...