What makes us believe in something - The idea behind Ragnarok

The idea behind Ragnarok, my upcoming science fiction satire, came exactly three years ago when I was talking to a friend. This friend of mine (who has explicitly asked me not to name him) was harping on and on about how religion is necessary for faith and belief. That put the idea of God in my head. For as long as I remember, I was an agnostic about the concept of God. I never faced any crisis that would make me look for a higher power or ask for forgiveness. But my friend put the idea that there has to be someone out there looking out for us. That was the definitive moment when the idea popped into my head. See, here is the thing, we all want to believe that someone out there is looking out for us. Everyone, even an atheist, at one point in time want to look up and say, hey this is not my problem, this is yours. Here is the idea, if everyone (or most of us) talk to someone all powerful to solve their problem, what kind of pressure are we putting on that one person? And ...