Chapter 6: Air-lift
This won't make any sense until you go read the previous chapter here. It still won't make sense there, follow the link back to the first post by team Supernova and read it from there.
The most obvious question that was missing in this otherwise ridiculous day was asked by the most ignored person so far. Move over hijacking, move over helicopters, move over everything else but the most important question that remained hanging in the air was,
Should she finish her homework for tomorrow or should she watch doremon?
Roohi was trying to decide what would be suitable. Today couldn't get any funnier could it? First that uncle came to pick her up in school. She knew him didn't she? Yes she did, she had seen him before, Ravi Uncle had come to their house in Lonavala, didn't he? He even called her by name. Why did watchmen uncle had to stop that uncle, Roohi didn't understand at all. Ravi uncle was going to give her ice cream.
Helicopter ride was really fun, she was going to tell about it to the entire class tomorrow. She even wanted to shout 'Weee' while airborne but she could not, her mom was busy flying it. Where are we anyways? Roohi thought, her mom was busy on phone since they got back. What does Hijack mean? Roohi decided to ask her English teacher tomorrow in school, will she go to school tomorrow?
Roohi was hungry, she decided that she should look for some biscuits in the house. Strawberry cream or chocolate? Roohi though looking at two biscuit packets lying on the kitchen table. Whose house is this? The house had, "One, two, three... no four rooms," Roohi murmured to herself.
"Lets lift him up from the train, how could they all travel together," her mother was speaking loudly on the phone to someone, Roohi ignored that. Now she was looking for the television remote somewhere, "They must be really stupid to think they can hijack a train and we do nothing," her mom said. Roohi made a note to give her mom the swear jar, she said stupid, she should put a coin in swear jar, "We can airlift Shekhar and Cyrus out of the train and then simply blast it."
Ooh Dad is coming home, Roohi smiled, she is going to tell him about the helicopter ride today. "Shekhar knows nothing about it," her mom continued, "I knew they were coming after us. That's why I had the helicopter and save house ready. I was waiting for Shekhar to return, since they have intercepted him on the train, we have to make a tough call."
"Alert the home minister," she finally said, "I'll take care of the media front. Will make sure they are exposed. I am not going to let a small incident hamper my research for last decade."
Roohi finally found the remote lying under the sofa, she pulled it out and tuned in doremon. Things were going to get ridiculously crazy from now on. She didn't knew it now, for all she wanted to do was watch doremon.
Tara had brought her child to the safe house to keep her safe, little did she know that the safe word in safe house is not going to change their fate.
Tara had brought her child to the safe house to keep her safe, little did she know that the safe word in safe house is not going to change their fate.
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I don't need weapon, I have a sharp tongue.