[Independence Special Short Story] Pis al-ler
Note: This story is written for Storizen magazine. I was watching the independence day parade when a little girl waved at the old man sitting in the audience. What was the man thinking? Who was he? Her grandfather? Did he have any role in our independence? My grandfather always used to talk about how he contributed for freedom struggle. An imaginary story was formed about what happened between the power walk and that you will be reading below. Do give your feedback and comment.
The independence day parade was going on in full swing in the local school. Parents did not fail to notice a four year old waving at the audience. Couple of the parents turned their head to notice an 70-80 year old man sitting at the back of the stadium waving at the girl back. Music continued playing as the toddler's sang national anthem and gave a salute to the national flag.
The old man looked at the flag and smiled, 67 years of freedom, ah freedom. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and got up from the audience. He whispered in his son’s ear sitting next to him, “Going for a power walk.”
The son nodded in acknowledgment and kept clapping at the parade in which his young daughter had taken part.
The old man took a stroll around the school and kept walking on the streets of the old city. “The city has changed a lot,” he thought, remembering the old city before independence. This was same street where he had chased seven british police officers with a lathi, he laughed remembering the incident. The funny part was the police officers were carrying pistols and had no idea he had no weapon on him other than the lathi.
His nostalgic thoughts were disturbed brutally by a scream, “Baksi you bastard.”
(Continued on Storizen magazine)

Fabulous story... I thought it would be something related to Independence day but turned out to be a thriller. Loved the power walk!