Thirty days challenge returns

Life is one monotonous humdrum of humdrums. We spend our entire life living in one room inventing new ways of moving to another. We want to do everything easily, simply and with minimum effort which is good until all we are left with is only efforts.

If you ask me what is the sumtotal of our humans, it is none. We have single handedly replaced many animals on the food chain. We have managed to destroy most of the biosphere and are trying to take evolution in our own hands.

This thing pains me a lot. But since I am a small one among 7 billion of us all I can do is try to get many to join in this pain and hope that at the final citadel of humanity they remember me.
But in this monotonous humdrum, even if I cannot take down a totalitarian regime of dictators, I do discipline my mind by taking up challenges that liven the spirit and change the way I feel about myself.

Last time when I took up the 30 day challenge, I accomplished the following things:

1. I took a break from social network for thirty days
2. I walked till office everyday and used public transport whenever necessary.
3. I cooked for three consecutive sundays.
4. Gave up drinking for the entire month (and surprisingly never started again, its been 6 months)
5. Wrote three chapters of my book, which was published earlier this year.

But then the year changed and a lot of things happened simultaneously. This new year was awesome, first quarter was tremendously splendid. Many things are changing in my life from now on  surprisingly I am finally committing my long term relationship with my girlfriend.
All this became a problem because I missed my 30 days challenge for the last quarter.

These 5 activities are in my bucket for the next thirty days. This challenge will begin on 5th May 2012 and will commence on 5th June 2012.

1. Take a picture everyday. Since I have started using instagram (earlier I did it only to piss those iPhoners but now I think I kinda like it) I will be posting pictures on instagram, search for me there if you wish to see..
2. Read 30 pages of a book everyday. My previous record was 70 pages in a sitting for 2-3 hours.
3. Finish the next five chapters on the novel I am working on (details coming soon)

These challenges will begin on 1st June 2012 till 1st July and possibly continue.

4. Cycle to office regularly
5. Go to Gym regularly.

So this is how I am packing for the next two months. What are your challenges for the next 30 days?


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