
Showing posts from 2011

The year end list of things that happened: 2011

Oh what a year, what a year, i’ll tell you what a marvelous year. Never before in the history of human years we had so much to tell and share in a single year.  Year 2010 ended in a abrupt way with the rise of terrorism and the increase in violence . However, still 2010 was much better than 2009 who barely managed to exist quietly.  This year was legendary, many years down the years, there would be the legend of the year 2011 which survived the act of God as well as acts of Humans. Some would say, year 2011 was just packing up. Just like the simple overture before the final cressendo in an orchestra, 2011 was just giving us all the taste of freedom. This year witnessed many ends, it saw the end of Harry Potter,  it saw the end of tyrannacy of Gaddafi , it also saw  the end of Osaba Bin Laden . Year 2011 brought with it something fresh, something unique. 2011 came with a perspective,  that no longer do we need the information control. It ...

The Intelligense People

They say time, tide and trains wait for no one. Althought many (mad) scientist will argue that time does wait for people and the calculation in the 4th dimension requires a nail cutter, tides also sometimes do wait for people to get in the middle of the sea and then pounce upon them from all the sides, a way to ambush humans. However, everyone does agree on the single most unchanging fact in this variable, flexible and changing universe…. trains wait for no one. Train like life have a fix destination, fix stops and occassionally due to unforseen conditions they do halt at the red signals in the middle of nowhere, but they don’t give up until they reach their destination. Life happens, you like it or no. Just like a passenger can miss a train by a second and that second then gets amplified due to unavailability of another train to the same destination, immediately. Life happens. There are many trains at the train stations but the train to your destination is only one. The local at ...

The whimsical life of death.

She walked the dark corridors in the grace of the wind. Softly,steadily and stealthily she crossed those marbled floors. Being the youngest of the sisters, Death was very good at her job. She made sure she completed her job just as wanted by her Eldest sister Destiny. Her long earrings and the beaded necklace jiggled as she swivelled around the corridors, giggling to her self. Her brother Life always called her maniac and whimsical, but she deterred. She was good at what she did and what she did was not so good. They all pictured her as a fearly rabid animal or a skull with a wicked grin, some also pictured her as a fat black man with horns as his helmet, if only they knew what she actually was…. she giggled. But she never understood the mortals fear against her, why did they despised her so much? The only thing Life offered to them was existence and in return her brother siphoned them of their existence day after day until nothing remained, no will to live. Their bodies de...

[Fiction] The Final Citadel

Now ‘Are we not men?’ he asked loudly fallen on the blackened path. The skies were gone forever, now covered with black haunting darkness, ‘Don’t we deserve another chance?’ Some unknown time before Slowly cautiously he walked in the darkness. For last 500 millenniums he was in the dark, this was nothing different, this was home. Home sweet home. It was their evil plan, the cruel Gods who engineered the whole thing. Screwed and cunning Indra and his minions trapped him into the worm hole for eternality.  They cunningly distributed the nectar of life to the Gods. The poor humans never stood a chance, they were taught since childhood to obey whatever was fed to them, even if it was bad. The humans called it fate, the humans said they were not worthy. Of course, that’s why humans were made, unpaid slaves to do the dirty deeds of Gods. But when the Gods did the same to the demons, they retaliated. ‘Why would nectar of life be given to Gods only? Why should demons accept...

From a Fools Cap to a Smart Phone, the journey of a Note

The entire course of human history would be different if man had never learned to note down things. Many (mad) scientist believe that there is a coherent rivalry between pen and paper against the ideas. There is 72% possibility of not finding a pen and paper for 83% of the ideas. Which is surprising. Human race since ages has been looking for the solution of single most problem that has been lingering around our society, how do I organize my thoughts, my memories, my world in my palm so that I can live a amazing life without being teetered to one spot. It all started when billions of years earlier when Mr. Stone was on a killing spree, he killed a deer for the first time in his life and wanted to show it to his son. Sadly, the son was (as usual) playing on his Handy Abacus and not paying attention to the father. When he finally turned around to listen to his father, he could not believe it. 'Pah, you get a deer for 70 gold stones, Dod,' (It should be noted that in those da...

Top 10 Reasons I am not a Stereotype Indian

Life as it stands often comes back in complete circles and however you may not like you, you have to walk on its circumference. However you may want to distance yourself from anything the thing remains with yourself forever and ever. Now, obviously speaking, looking at the title there must be blood boiling in your rage which party or foreign power did I join in, the one interesting in our politics or our religion. Well, nothing like it. The point is with the rise of social networks there is a rise of phenomenon called the Delhi Boy Complex, when there is some article that brings a mass people to senses, they shout out loud to opposite it and in turn prove it. So as it turns out, I was hanging around with some old buddies and we were discussing this so-called article by an NRI who left India because of certain reasons. I did agree with him on many points, as in, with the Sardar Jokes and stuff, when my old friend replied, 'Dude, you are anyways born in a wrong country, may...

What is common between Government, Terrorist and Big Corporations

Our societies and corporations are formed by psychopaths and power honchos who love controlling others life by controlling information. What is common between terrorist organization, Government and corporation? They all breed in silence. In the study of sociology one understands the structure of the organization of a society. There are two types of leaders, one on which leadership is thrust upon and another who rise up to the challenge and 'dedicate' their lives in leadership. The former we call heroes while the later we call politicians. We usually praise the later for they rose up to the challenge, but we ignore one fact, the people who actually rise up to lead are power hungry, psychopaths and mostly feed on negative emotions. Don't get me wrong, I won't say all are bad, yes there are also a few who do manage to stay uncorrupt but not for long. The draw of power is so powerful, escaping it is not an easy task as it is. Just as the way moths are attracted to lights...