
Showing posts from December, 2011

The year end list of things that happened: 2011

Oh what a year, what a year, i’ll tell you what a marvelous year. Never before in the history of human years we had so much to tell and share in a single year.  Year 2010 ended in a abrupt way with the rise of terrorism and the increase in violence . However, still 2010 was much better than 2009 who barely managed to exist quietly.  This year was legendary, many years down the years, there would be the legend of the year 2011 which survived the act of God as well as acts of Humans. Some would say, year 2011 was just packing up. Just like the simple overture before the final cressendo in an orchestra, 2011 was just giving us all the taste of freedom. This year witnessed many ends, it saw the end of Harry Potter,  it saw the end of tyrannacy of Gaddafi , it also saw  the end of Osaba Bin Laden . Year 2011 brought with it something fresh, something unique. 2011 came with a perspective,  that no longer do we need the information control. It ...

The Intelligense People

They say time, tide and trains wait for no one. Althought many (mad) scientist will argue that time does wait for people and the calculation in the 4th dimension requires a nail cutter, tides also sometimes do wait for people to get in the middle of the sea and then pounce upon them from all the sides, a way to ambush humans. However, everyone does agree on the single most unchanging fact in this variable, flexible and changing universe…. trains wait for no one. Train like life have a fix destination, fix stops and occassionally due to unforseen conditions they do halt at the red signals in the middle of nowhere, but they don’t give up until they reach their destination. Life happens, you like it or no. Just like a passenger can miss a train by a second and that second then gets amplified due to unavailability of another train to the same destination, immediately. Life happens. There are many trains at the train stations but the train to your destination is only one. The local at ...

The whimsical life of death.

She walked the dark corridors in the grace of the wind. Softly,steadily and stealthily she crossed those marbled floors. Being the youngest of the sisters, Death was very good at her job. She made sure she completed her job just as wanted by her Eldest sister Destiny. Her long earrings and the beaded necklace jiggled as she swivelled around the corridors, giggling to her self. Her brother Life always called her maniac and whimsical, but she deterred. She was good at what she did and what she did was not so good. They all pictured her as a fearly rabid animal or a skull with a wicked grin, some also pictured her as a fat black man with horns as his helmet, if only they knew what she actually was…. she giggled. But she never understood the mortals fear against her, why did they despised her so much? The only thing Life offered to them was existence and in return her brother siphoned them of their existence day after day until nothing remained, no will to live. Their bodies de...